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Arthur-Linder Prize for IDEAS ESRs Nicolas!

Congratulations to Nicolas for winning the Arthur Linder prize of the Austro – Swiss Region of the International Biometric Society.

PhD success for our researcher Marius Thomas

Gratulations to our Early Stage Researcher Marius Thomas who successfully defended his PhD.

Viva success for our researcher Haiyan Zheng

Huge congratulations to our Early Stage Researcher Haiyan Zheng, who successfully defended her PhD on Wednesday, 9th January 2019.

Project spotlight:

10. Bias and precision in early phase adaptive studies and its consequences for the decisions about conducting and designing confirmatory studies

The literature on adaptive designs largely concerns methods for the primary hypothesis tests in Phase III clinical trials and meanwhile includes some limited research on bias and precision of point estimates. The yet unresolved difficulties arising from biased estimates in adaptive design have been one of the major concerns against their use in late phase clinical trials

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