Here we make available publications and presentations generated by the IDEAS projects.
Mozgunov, p., Jaki, T. & Paoletti, X. (2018), Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics.
Ballarini, N., Rosenkranz, G., Jaki, T., König, F. & Posch, M. (2018), PLOS ONE
Weber, E & Titman, A (2018). Statistics in Medicine
Erhardt, E., Ursino, M., Biewenga, J & Gasparini, M (2018), Biometrical Journal
Mozgunov, P., Jaki, T. & Paoletti, X (2018) Biostatistics
Burello, J., Erhardt, E., Saint-Hilary, G., Veglio, F., Rabbia, F., Mulatero, P., Monticone, S & D’Ascenzo, F. (2018), Hypertension
Pavel Mozgunov, Thomas Jaki & Xavier Paoletti. 6th Early Phase Adaptive Trials Workshop, Los Angeles, USA (November 2018)
Haiyan Zheng, Lisa Hampson & Simon Wandel, 6th Early Phase Adaptive Trials Workshop, Los Angeles, USA (November 2018)
Thomas Jaki & Pavel Mozgunov, 6th Early Phase Adaptive Trials Workshop, Los Angeles, USA (November 2018).
Thomas Jaki & Pavel Mozgunov, International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB) 2018, Melbourne, Australia
Eleni Vradi, Werner Brannath, Thomas Jaki & Richard Vonk. IBC (2018), Barcelona.
Johanna Miekle, Heidi Schmidli & Byron Jones. IBC 2018 (Barcelona, Spain).
Pavel Mozgunov & Thomas Jaki. IBC 2018, Barcelona, Spain
Haiyan Zheng, Lisa Hampson & Simon Wandel. IBC (2018), Barcelona
An overview of the objectives and training of the IDEAS Network. Presented at IBC 2018 (Barcelona) and ISCB 2018 (Melbourne)
Eleni Vradi, Thomas Jaki, Werner Brannath & Ricahard Vonk. PSI, 4th June 2018 (Amsterdam)
Gaëlle Saint-Hilary, Veronique Robert, Mauro Gasparini & Pavel Mozgunov. PSI Conference 2018, Amsterdam and IBC 2018, Barcelona
“Graphical displays for subgroup analysis in clinical trails”
N. Ballarini, Y.D.Chiu, F. Koenig, M. Posch, T. Jaki. Best Poster Award, PSI 2018, Amsterdam
Julia Niewczas, N. Ballarini, M. Posch, F. Koenig, T. Jaki. The 14th Young Scientist Association Symposium, 7th & 8th June 2018, Vienna
Fabiola La Gamba, Tom Jacobs, Jan Serroyen, Helen Geys & Christel Faes. PSI Annual Conference, Amsterdam (4th June 2018)
Pavel Mozgunov, Thomas Jaki. PSI Annual Conference, Amsterdam (4th June 2018)
Pavel Mozgunov & Thomas Jaki. PSI One-Day Meeting on Bayesian Methods for Dose Finding and Biomarkers (28th February 2018)
Pavel Mozgunov, Thomas Jaki & Xavier Paoletti. PSI Conference, 2017
Marius Thomas. ZeSOB Kolloquium, November 2017, Oldenburg, Germany
Joahnna Mielke, Byron Jones, Franz Koenig, Bernd Jilma. 2nd Annual Biosmiliars Forum, October 2017, Budapest
Marius Thomas, Bjoern Bornkamp, Heidi Seibold, Torsten Hothorn. CEN ISBS, 2017, Vienna
Marius Thomas, Bjoern Bornkamp, Heidi Seibold, Torsten Hothorn. ISBS, July 2017, Vigo
Pavel Mozgunov & Thomas Jaki. PSI Conference 2017, London
Press coverage (in English) of the above publication by the Medical University of Vienna.
Press coverage of the above publication by the Austrian Press Agency (in German)
Press coverage (in German) of the above publication by the Medical University of Vienna.
Join IDEAS on the 29th November 2018 for a joint seminar with IBS (Vienna and Styria region). Please see the attached agenda for a full list of talks and link to the registration form.
Byron Jones, Novartis
Byron Jones, Novartis
A presentation on IDEAS and each research project
Discussion document co-authored by our early stage researcher, Johanna.
The report can be found on pages 18 & 19 of the link above.
A summary of our ESR Saswati Saha’s work with IDEAS
A summary of our ESR Marius Thomas’s work with IDEAS
A summary of our ESR Maria-Athina Altzerinakou’s work with IDEAS
A summary of our ESR Jose Luis Jimenez’s work with IDEAS
A summary of our ESR Fabiola La Gamba’s work with IDEAS
A summary of our ESR Elvira Erhardt’s work with IDEAS
A summary of our ESR Eleni Vradi’s work with IDEAS
A summary of our ESR Arsenio Nhacolo’s work with IDEAS
A summary of our ESR Johanna Mielke’s research with IDEAS.
A summary of our ESR Nicolas Ballarini’s research with IDEAS.
A summary of our ESR Julia Niewczas’ research with IDEAS
A summary of our ESR Enya Weber’s research with IDEAS
A summary of our ESR Haiyan Zheng’s research with IDEAS
A summary of our ESR Pavel Mozgunov’s research with IDEAS
Fabiola La Gamba, Janssen, Belgium.
Jose Jimenez, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Saswati Saha
University of Bremen, Germany
Haiyan Zheng
Lancaster University, UK
Arsénio Nhacolo, University of Bremen, Germany.
Eleni Vradi
Bayer, Germany
Julia Niewczas
Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Enya Weber
Lancaster University, UK
Elvira Erhadt
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Nicolas Ballarini
Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Pavel Mozgunov, Lancaster University, UK.
Marius Thomas, Novartis, Switzerland
Johanna Mielke, Novartis, Switzerland.
Maria-Athina Altzerinakou, INSERM, France
Jose L. Jimenez
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
November, 2018.
Johanna Mielke
TU Dortmund, Germany
July, 2018
Pavel Mozgunov
Lancaster University, UK
June, 2018
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