ESR Clinical Experiences Event (5th-7th February, Paris)

The ESR Clinical Experiences Event was hosted by  IDEAS partner INSERM from the 5th-7th February 2018.

The event gave ESRs the opportunity to accompany clinicians around different medical departments

The event gave ESRs the opportunity to accompany clinicians around different medical departments

The workshop took place at the Paul Brousse Hospital and Institut Gustave Roussy in a very snowy Paris and gave our ESRs an excellent balance of formal training, presentations and experience of working with patients and medical professionals in a clinical setting.

The ESRs were given the opportunity to accompany clinicians on visits to different medical departments including the early-phase unit, breast cancer, radiotherapy and paediatric oncology.

The event also included two very interesting presentations from medical professionals working in France.  The first was given by Karine Serhal from La Ligue contre le cancer and focussed on the work of her organisation and the involvement of patients in clinical trials.  The second was a very engaging talk by Camille Jeannin about the hospital sponsor of Gustave Roussy

In addition to the above sessions, the ESRs’ training continued with sessions on the following topics:

  • Data & Safety Monitoring Board Workshop with lecture and practical components. (Thomas Jaki, Lancaster University)
  • Possible career pathways in academia and industry (Thomas Jaki, Lancaster University;  Xavier Paoletti, INSERM, Hans-Ulrich Burger, EFSPI).
  • Working with Medical Collaborators (Luc Bijnens, Janssen)

The next IDEAS event will take place in Basel, Switzerland between the 23rd-27th September 2018.  This event will include our Dissemination Workshop on Wednesday, 26th September 2018.  This event will be of interest to those working in academia and industry.  For further information and to register for your free place, please click here.

Three ESRs working as a group around a table during the workshop

ESRs were engaged throughout the event

Three ESRs looking very cold and holding snowballs.

Jose, Enya and Haiyan also improved their snowballing skills!