ESRs Julia and Nico present at YSA Symposium 2018

The 14th Young Scientist Association Symposium, 7th & 8th June 2018.  

This annual symposium, organized by the Young Scientist Association, is a major scientific event which takes place at the Medical University of Vienna.  It highlights basic and applied medical research at the university to enable doctoral students to gain experience in research, medicine, and the medical sciences, which are some of the most important responsibilities of the university.

Training in science is really a way of thinking, it’s a way of approaching problems, a way of becoming a critical thinker showing a lasting impact. The YSA-PhD-Symposium aims to offer opportunities to doctoral students from over 40 thematic programs to gain experience in giving presentations and networking with colleagues from various scientific fields including talented young researchers. In addition to presentations, doctoral students and guests are able to participate in interactive sessions organized by YSA.

IDEAS was well-represented at the event with two researchers from the Medical University of Vienna taking part in the symposium.

Julia presented a poster about Improving Design, Evaluation and Analysis of early drug development Studies which can be viewed here, while Nicolas gave a talk on Graphical displays for subgroup analysis in clinical trials.

Nico_YSA_2018 Julia_Poster_YSA_2018