IDEAS celebrates European Researchers’ Night with joint events in the UK & Austria

European Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide event supported by the European Commission as part of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (funded under the Horizon 2020 programme). On the 29th September, events took place in over 300 European cities to promote the latest research being carried out by EU-funded projects.

IDEAS celebrated this event by running outreach activities in the UK and Austria.


“Full STEAM Ahead”:  IDEAS at EU Researchers’ Night in Huddersfield

In the UK, ESRs Haiyan and Pavel (Lancaster University) travelled to the University of Huddersfield (whose entire campus was a dedicated venue for the evening) to showcase our latest research. Our outreach activities aimed to highlight the effect of adaptive randomisation and tested the effect of headphones on our visitors’ reactions.  This proved a very popular activity with all ages!  The event also gave us a great opportunity to join with other projects from around the region and showcase our research in “EU Corner”.  These projects included:

  • PROMIS “The Power of Light” (Lancaster University),
  • “Europe’s Lost Frontiers” (University of Bradford)
  • “Enhancing Electric Vehicles & Torque Vectoring” (Sheffield Hallam University)
  • “None in 3” & “The European Music Archaeology Project” (University of Huddersfield)

Both photos courtesy of University of Huddersfield & Maddie Farris Photography.

Haiyan, Pavel and Pam holiding a ruler and wearing headphones

Haiyan, Pavel and Pam prepare to test visitors’ reactions

A lady is laughing with Haiyan after completing the reactions activity

A lady tests her reactions with IDEAS.


“#BeSCIENCEd”:  IDEAS at EU Researchers’ Night in Vienna

On the same evening, ESRs Johanna (Novartis), Julia & Nico (Medical University of Vienna) were asking visitors to “Test their Randomness” at the #beSCIENCEd event, hosted by the Practical Robotics Institute in Vienna. This event not only allowed the researchers to showcase their research to the general public, but also provided them with a great opportunity to discuss their work with other MSCA Fellows and the MSCA Alumni Association.

Other Projects in “EU Corner” at this event included:

  • “Understanding adaptations and modulatory drivers of avian migration” (University of Vienna & The University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna)


    Test your randomness in Vienna!

  • “Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling” (University of Vienna)
  • “Solar-Train” (Polymer Competence Center, Leoben)
  • “Knock prevention and increase of reliability and efficiency of the high power gaseous internal combustion engine” (University of Vienna)

Both events together inspired nearly 7,500 people to discover the latest research in a celebratory atmosphere and gave us the opportunity to discuss our research with the public and fellow researchers on other EU projects.