Join IDEAS at our joint seminar with IBS on 29th November 2018 at the Medical University of Vienna

IDEAS and the International Biometric Society (Vienna and Styria region) will be holding a joint seminar on Thursday, 29th November 2018, Medical University of Vienna.

The event has been organised by IDEAS researcher Nicolas Ballarini and partner Franz König (both from the Medical University of Vienna) and Andrea Berghold from the Medical University of Graz, and promises to be a highly informative afternoon of engaging talks.

The presentations include:

  • Thomas Jaki (Lancaster University, UK):  The IDEAS network: Training and research under one umbrella
  • Andreas Gleiss & Michael Schemper (Medical University of Vienna, Austria):  Quantifying degrees of necessity and of sufficiency in cause-effect relationships with dichotomous and survival outcomes
  • Edith Hofer (Medical University of Graz, Austria):  Genome-wide association study of cortical thickness, surface area and volume
  • Sonja Zehetmayer (Medical University of Vienna, Austria):  A new omnibus test for the global null hypothesis
  • Alexander Avian (Medical University of Graz, Austria):  Scaling properties of pain intensity ratings in paediatric populations using the Faces Pain Scale-revised
  • Susanne Strohmaier (Medical University of Vienna, Austria): Time-dependent mediators in survival analysis: Modeling direct and indirect effects with the additive hazards model
  • Susanne Urach (Medical University of Vienna, Austria):  Testing endpoints with unknown correlation
  • Michael Kammer (Medical University of Vienna, Austria): Combining dynamic Cox prediction models and the Lasso
  • Nicolas Ballarini (Medical University of Vienna, Austria):  Graphical approaches for subgroup analysis in clinical trials

The full agenda and abstracts of the talks can be found by clicking here

Please register online by following this link

The event will take place in the Jugendstilhörsaal at the Medical University of Vienna (Bauteil 88 – Ebene 3, Spitalgasse 23, 1090 Vienna, Austria).  The location of the room can be seen below or a larger version of the map can be found by clicking this link

Joint Seminar room plan