The IDEAS network brings together leading institutions in the training of medical statisticians, large and small sized pharmaceutical companies and is supplemented by clinical experts. Each of the Ideas partners individually has a history leading or contributing to successful training programmes in medical statistics and research in early phase drug development. Each beneficiary is either an established academic institution or a research active pharmaceutical company. Additionally each site offers formal local training, relevant to the Ideas project, which is supplemented and enhanced by network-wide activities that are offered collaboratively by the participants. The network is comprised of a well-rounded mix of public and private sector partners from a number of different countries and will host fourteen early stage researchers (ESR) for 36 months.
Lancaster University – The department of Mathematics and Statistics at Lancaster University is home of the second largest statistics group in the UK which has a long standing tradition in Medical Statistics. In the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (RAE), Mathematical Sciences at Lancaster was ranked 5th with over 40% of the submissions judged to be of world leading standard. Read more…
Medical University of Vienna – The Section of Medical Statistics (IMS) of the Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems (CeMSIIS) of the Medical University of Vienna, Austria has a long tradition in Medical Statistics with an outstanding track record both in innovative statistical methodological and medical research. Teaching statistics is offered as service to different types of studies including Medicine and Statistics. Read more…
Novartis – Integrated Information Sciences (IIS) at Novartis is responsible for the statistical design, analysis and interpretation of clinical trials across all phases of drug development. The IIS Statistical Methodology group located in Basel, Switzerland, is at the forefront of development of novel statistical methods for adaptive clinical trials and application of these designs in all phases of drug development. Read more…
Politecnico di Torino – Politecnico di Torino is a university devoted to engineering and architecture studies and strongly committed to collaboration with industry. In the Department of Mathematical Sciences, research is carried out in most fields of contemporary Mathematics, including Statistics. Read more…
University Bremen – The University of Bremen was founded 1971 and since 2013 belongs to one of eleven Elite Universities in Germany. One research focus of the University is Health Sciences. The Mathematical Department has a focus on applied mathematics and hosts a Statistics Department with two Professors in Biostatistics, one (Iris Pigeot) chairing the Bremer Institute for Epidemiology and Prevention Research and the other (Werner Brannath) leading the Biostatistics Section of the Competence Center for Clinical Trials Bremen (KKSB). Read more…
INSERM – Founded in 1964, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) is a public scientific and technological institute which operates under the joint authority of the French Ministry of Health and French Ministry of Research. Read more…
Bayer Pharma AG The department Global Drug Discovery Statistics and Experimental Medicine Statistics maintains the global responsibility for the statistical aspects of research and pre-clinical safety experiments, early Phase I clinical trials, as well as biomarker development within Bayer Healthcare. Read more…
Janssen Pharmaceutica – Janssen pharmaceutica provides medicines for an array of health concerns in several therepeutic areas. Medicinal drugs for the benefit of patients, doctors and other health care professionals are discovered, developed and marketed. The company mainly operates in the pathological areas of neurosciences, oncology, infectious diseases, and vaccines. With more than 80 drugs to its name, Janssen is one of the most innovative pharmaceutical companies in the world. Read more…
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