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Arthur-Linder Prize for IDEAS ESRs Nicolas!

Congratulations to Nicolas for winning the Arthur Linder prize of the Austro – Swiss Region of the International Biometric Society.

PhD success for our researcher Marius Thomas

From: Predictive probability of success, as a criterion at clinical development milestones

Gratulations to our Early Stage Researcher Marius Thomas who successfully defended his PhD.

Viva success for our researcher Haiyan Zheng

From: Using pre-clinical information to establish a safe dose in first-in-men studies

Huge congratulations to our Early Stage Researcher Haiyan Zheng, who successfully defended her PhD on Wednesday, 9th January 2019.

Our researcher, Saswati Saha, ready to defend her PhD thesis

Viva success for our researcher Saswati Saha

Huge congratulations to our Early Stage Researcher Saswati Saha, who has been awarded her PhD magna cum laude!

Viva success for ESR Jose Jiménez

Huge congratulations to our Early Stage Researcher Jose Jiménez who successfully defended his PhD thesis on Friday, 30th November 2018

Join IDEAS at our joint seminar with IBS on 29th November 2018 at the Medical University of Vienna

IDEAS and the International Biometric Society (Vienna and Styria region) will be holding a joint seminar which promises to be a highly informative afternoon of engaging talks.

Honours for ESR Maria-Athina in PhD Viva success

Huge congratulations to our ESR Maria-Athina Altzerinakou who has today successfully defended her thesis and has been awarded her PhD Magna cum laude (with great honour).

ESR Arsénio Nhacolo awarded his PhD magna cum laude!

Huge congratulations to our ESR Arsénio on successfully defending his thesis today.

IDEAS Summer School III & Dissemination Workshop

Our final network-wide event took place from the 23rd-27th September 2018 in Basel, Switzerland

Children taking part in statistics workshop at the Kinder Uni

ESRs Julia and Nicolas introduce KinderUni students to statistics

Julia, Nicolas and Franz led a statistics workshop for children taking part in Kinder Uni 2018 at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria

ESR Johanna Mielke awarded PhD with highest honours

IDEAS ESR Johanna Mielke has been awarded her PhD “summa cum laude” (“with greatest honour”).

Viva success for Dr. Pavel Mozgunov

IDEAS is delighted to announce that Pavel Mozgunov has passed his PhD viva.

ESRs Julia and Nico present at YSA Symposium 2018

IDEAS was well-represented at the event with two researchers from the Medical University of Vienna taking part in the symposium.

Poster awards for two IDEAS ESRs at the PSI Conference 2018!

Two IDEAS Researchers today won the best posters award at the PSI Conference 2018 in Amsterdam!

Johanna Mielke, an IDEAS early stage researcher based at Novartis

Biosimilars: new insights into the regulatory approval process in Europe

ESR Johanna’s latest publication gives insights into the clinical development strategies used to obtain approval for proposed biosimilars and how these have been assessed by the European Medicines Agency.

ESR Nico takes part in the “Leader of Tomorrow” challenge for DIA Europe 2018

DIA has designed new elements for DIA Europe 2018 to specifically provide skill development and career support to students and young professionals. Registered young professionals and students will be benefit from the entire DIA Europe 2018 programme, in addition to specialty sessions specifically tailored to address their professional goals.

ESR Clinical Experiences Event (5th-7th February, Paris)

The ESR Clinical Experiences Event was hosted by IDEAS partner INSERM from the 5th-7th February 2018. The workshop gave our ESRs an excellent balance of formal training, presentations and experience of working with patients and medical professionals in a clinical setting.

Young Statisticians Seminar (25th October 2017), Vienna

This year, three IDEAS ESRs had the responsibility of organising the annual International Biometric Society Herbstseminar in Vienna.

Statistical Methods and Designs in Clinical Oncology Symposium (9th November 2017), Paris

This Symposium is open to statisticians interested in advanced methods for clinical research in oncology.