
1. Dose finding for combination trials with many treatments

Team: Prof Thomas Jaki (Lancaster University), Prof Andy Grieve (Aptiv Solutions)
Clinical Advisor: Dr Gerry Davis
, a senior lecturer and honorary consultant in infectious diseases at the University Liverpool. He has a particular interest in tuberculosis and is editor for the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group.
Location: Lancaster University (Lancaster, UK)

Treatments using a combination of drugs are common in diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis (TB) and adequate identification of the optimal dose and regime is essential. In TB, e.g., 7 compounds are in preclinical development and 8 in early phase clinical development, each of which is likely being administered in combination1.

In this project Bayesian adaptive dose-finding approaches for more than two agents will be developed and tailored for the specific needs of TB trials. Optimal dose sequential allocation strategies that use informative priors from single-agent designs will be devised. A problem here is avoiding exponential explosion of the space of drug combinations to be tested. To overcome this we will combine traditional dose-finding ideas with sequential design with multiple arms. We will also consider the impact of synergism/antagonism, and different modes of operation, between agents.

Meet our Early Stage Researcher: Pavel Mozgunov, Lancaster University

Pavel Mozgunov_new

I was born and spent my childhood in a small Russian town Mtsensk. During my school studies I was mostly obsessed with Math, Physics and Economics. It gave me an incentive to continue my education in the University Higher School of Economics in Moscow. I chose Statistics and Data Analysis as my undergraduate program. During my studies I was ready to accept any challenge in Statistics Science. It allowed me to explore different research problems and  to get inspiration for my own papers.  I was working in different areas as signal processing, classification and information theory. I had become a research assistant in the Science Group of Probabilistic Methods and a member of Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis at HSE. My favourite hobby is music. It has become an essential part of my personality. I like to enrich my music library and play piano for more than 8 years. I also enjoy hiking and travelling.



Project News 1 of 10 pages

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The IDEAS network brings together leading institutions in the training of medical statisticians, large and small sized pharmaceutical companies and is supplemented by clinical experts.