Viva success for Dr. Pavel Mozgunov

IDEAS is delighted to announce that Pavel Mozgunov (Lancaster University) has passed his PhD viva.

The viva was the culmination of three year’s hard work researching “Dose finding for combination trials with many treatments“.

The examiners were:

  • Dr. Tom Palmer, Lancaster University.
  • Dr Andrew Grieve, UCB.
  • Dr. Graham Wheeler, University College London.
  • Dr. Deborah Costain, Lancaster University (Chair).

All the examiners were very impressed by the thoroughness of Pavel’s research and the number of papers that he has submitted from his PhD work.

After the viva Pavel said:

“It was a very enjoyable discussion with many insightful comments and questions.  It was great to have my thesis read by such experts in the field”.

IDEAS wishes Dr. Mozgunov all the very best for the remainder of the project and for his future career.
